TO BE FILLED; FDA 10%; Malnutrition of other nutrients. So, quantification is important.
We examine the nitrogen deficiency and nutritional contribution of added sugars and animal-derived ingredients in a subject, including you, your baby, and your pet. For additional services, please see the following two options.
Nitrogen is an essential macronutrients for humans and animals. for proteins and nucleic acids. While nitrogen deficiency in humans isn't as common as deficiencies in other nutrients, it can occur. Under-diagnosed:Urea cycle disorders, including arginase deficiency, are often under-diagnosed, making it difficult to determine the true frequency of these conditions in the general population. CHATGPT how common is low nitrogen percentage in hair or nails; Is there any report of low nitrogen percentage in human or pet hair or nails?
We analyze whether your baby is transitioning well from milk to solid foods, i.e., weaning. Please send us (1) your hair, nails, or breast milk If you have breastfed or (2) infant formula. The signal is visible for breastfeeding. We recommend an initial consultation with us if your baby has had milk than breastfeeding formula before weaning. You will see a gradual nutritional transition over a few months. There is an $11 surcharge per time.
You can send us pet food instead of your pet's hair or nails to know if your pet's food formula is healthy. The formula can be anything, including canned foods, dry foods, or foods you cooked for your pet. If you send the pet's hair or nails as well as its food, there is an $11 surcharge per time.